Psychometric Assessments 

Recruitment, Coaching, and Personal Development.


Welcome to our  suite of psychometric assessments designed to revolutionize your recruitment process, elevate team performance through coaching, and drive personal development initiatives. In today's competitive business landscape, understanding the behavioural tendencies, strengths, and areas for the development of your team members is essential for maximizing their potential and achieving organizational success. Our tailored assessments, including DiSC  and Circyoular, offer invaluable insights into individual and team dynamics, enabling you to make informed decisions, enhance collaboration, and foster a culture of continuous growth and improvement.

Assessment Request Page


Streamline your recruitment process and identify the best-fit candidates for your organization with our psychometric assessments. By assessing candidates' behavioural preferences, communication styles, and work preferences, you can ensure alignment with your company culture and job requirements, leading to higher employee satisfaction and retention rates. Our assessments provide objective data to complement traditional hiring methods, empowering your recruitment team to make confident and informed hiring decisions.

Team Coaching:

Empower your teams to thrive with our team coaching solutions powered by psychometric assessments. By gaining a deeper understanding of team dynamics, communication styles, and individual strengths and weaknesses, our assessments enable coaches to tailor their approach and interventions for maximum impact. Whether you're looking to enhance team collaboration, resolve conflicts, or improve performance, our assessments provide the insights and guidance needed to unlock your team's full potential.

Personal Development:

Invest in the growth and development of your employees with our personalized development plans informed by psychometric assessments. By helping individuals gain clarity on their strengths, development areas, and career aspirations, our assessments empower them to take ownership of their professional growth journey. Whether it's leadership development, skills enhancement, or career planning, our assessments provide the foundation for targeted and impactful personal development initiatives.

Why Choose Us:  Comprehensive Assessment Solutions: Our suite of psychometric assessments, including DiSC and Circyoular, offers a holistic approach to understanding individual and team dynamics, providing valuable insights for recruitment, team coaching, and personal development.
Valid and Reliable Assessments: Backed by rigorous research and validation, our assessments provide accurate and reliable results, ensuring confidence in decision-making and intervention planning.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that every organization is unique, which is why we offer customized assessment solutions to meet your specific needs, goals, and challenges.
Expert Support: Our team of experienced consultants and coaches are here to support you every step of the way, from assessment administration and interpretation to coaching and development planning.

Impactful Results: Our assessments are designed to drive tangible results, whether it's improving hiring outcomes, enhancing team performance, or accelerating individual growth and development.

Conclusion: Investing in psychometric assessments is investing in the success of your organization and its people. With our comprehensive assessment solutions, you can unlock the potential of your recruitment process, empower your teams to excel, and support the personal growth and development of your employees. Contact us today to learn more about how our assessments can drive positive change and transformation within your organization. 


-"The DiSC assessment provided by The Skills Factory was a game-changer for our recruitment process. By understanding the behavioural styles and preferences of candidates, we were able to make more informed hiring decisions and ensure a better fit for our team culture. The insights gained from the assessment have been invaluable, and we continue to use it as a key tool in our talent acquisition strategy."  Arno Amsterdam

-"Working with The Skills Factory to implement the Circyoular assessment has transformed how we approach team dynamics and collaboration. The assessment provided deep insights into our team members' communication styles and work preferences, enabling us to enhance productivity, resolve conflicts, and foster a more cohesive and effective team environment. I highly recommend the Circyoular assessment to any organization looking to optimize team performance. and personal drives" Oscar Antwerpen

-"As a coach, I've found the DiSC assessment to be a valuable tool for personal and professional development. The assessment not only provided me with valuable insights into my own behavioural tendencies and communication style but also helped me better understand and support my clients. The actionable insights gained from the assessment have enhanced my coaching practice and empowered my clients to achieve their goals more effectively."  Thea Den Helder
